"He loves me as I am; it's just that in our case, love is not always enough."
I cannot express how exceptional of writer Tali Alexander is. Her writing style is phenomenal and before you know it you're are flying thru the book and you get completely lost in the story and feel as if you've become one of the characters yourself.
This is the second book in Audio Fools series. Love in Rewind is the first book in the series and it completely rocked my world! If you haven't read it you need to. Find me review Here.
This book was very different than her last book Love in Rewind, It was more Raw, Suspenseful and Emotional.
This book continues off from where Love in Rewind left off but this is Sara's book, Emily's wild and crazy best friend, whom I freaking love! We get to see Sara in a whole different light, she is so much deeper and more complexed than she betrays and is dealing with so much heart ache I truly don't understand how she was able to hold it together.
Sara's book will take you on roller coaster of emotions. One minute you will be a ball of sexual frustration and the next minute you will be wanting to rip your own heart where you don't have to feel that pain that Sara is having to endure.
This story will take you on a whirl wind of emotions but you will love every freaking bit of it. When I got to the end of the book, I was heart broken because it was ending but was so dang happy when I seen a certain someone was getting his own book!! YAY!!!!!!!! I am so over the moon about that news!
I'm going to be honest I've been racking my brain for days on what I need to say in this review but to sum it up,. I can't really go into great detail without spoiling everything plus I will NEVER be able to express my love for not only this book but the series thus far and the author.
Tali Alexander has put a spell on me with her amazing work and I am always left with wanting more. She is truly a gifted writer.
So do yourself a favor and go read this series!! NOW!!
"I look at Jeff who's standing right there, looking at me as if he's right where he belongs. As if he has the right to question my whereabouts. My heart clenches and bleeds as I look at him, wishing that he did have the right to question me. I don't want to act strong anymore. We can't keep doing this! I want him, I need him and yet he's not mine want or need. I made decisions that I had no right making, and I've been paying the consequences ever since."
"If I don't touch you at least once a day, my whole day feels a waste," he whispers, already kissing down the side of my face."
"Jeff, when will you let me go?" I ask, knowing that the answer is never. "Why would you want me to let you go? You are my life, Sara, out time will come, and then we will never have to be apart again, baby."
"I wonder if he means when we die and then our poor lost souls can finally be together like Romeo and Juliet."
"I smile and sadly think what I wouldn't give to be with him for millions of moments."
"I need to be inside you. I've been going crazy trying to find you all day. Please don't keep me away and don't ever ask me to go. You know what you are to me." I'm nothing, I chime in my brain.
"No more talking, I just want you to love me one more night." I won't ask you to go or stay anymore, I promise."
"Who is this Jeffery fella to you?" I ask, somehow knowing that my simple question doesn't have a simple answer. "He's everything and nothing."
"What Jeff and I share is not some transient secret office affair. Ours is a heartbreaking love story that spans half of my life."
"tears flow freely again. I think I just found the one other person in New York who's perhaps even more broken than me."
"Nothing you can say will make me not want you. We didn't meet by chance, we've been through hell trying to find each other. I wouldn't feel what I'm feeling if this wasn't predestined."
"Sara, in this life, you can only control your actions and reactions, you can't always help the people around you. You can try, and I did try, but some people can't be saved."
"Sara, If I accidentally like you more that I should, would you allow me to keep you?"
"Karma doesn't disappoints, karma always delivers..."
"Stop asking me to fuck you because I won't. I need to love you, and you need to let me love you. Your secrets and dibs don't define you. I want you, Sara, and you need to stop pretending you don't want me to love you."
"Liam, I want you more than anything I've ever wanted in my life, but I'm petrified because I know I don't deserve you. I don't want to cause you more pain, but I do need you, I need you so much. I don't have anybody, I only have you."
"I'd marry you. Please don't say awful rubbish about the woman I and every other bloke in New York would be fortunate to call his wife."
"My body is leaving her but my heart is already long gone."
"That was the day I lost everything. Everything I thought was rightfully mine, was only an illusions. It's the part of my story where things got interesting and where I should've let my best friend tell me to run and never look back."
"It was a dream, but it wasn't meant ti be my dream."
"Then you and I will have a lifetime to be together."
"Sara, I love you." he said "I will always choose you, but this is different. This isn't about making a choice, it's about doing the right thing."
"He made love to me that day for hours, promising me paradise with every kiss, every trusting word. It all made perfect sense when he explained it. He would marry Jacqueline, take care of her, and give her a few beautiful memories while I went to school. Once I finished, we would pick up where we left off. It was a brilliant plan. He just didn't take into account that I was the girl dying inside, not Jacqueline."
"I would pretend that it was great news but I was fading; her living meant us dying. I'm not a monster, I didn't want the poor girl to die; she went through so much."
"Two fools who loved each other too much to stop and think about the consequences made those two beautiful kids.'
"The problem was, as he was trying to do the right thing and be a good guy, I believe he fell in love with her too."
"I finally understand that there isn't always a clear winner or loser when it comes to matters of the heart. Love sometimes annihilates all involved and everybody loses."
"I'm about to leave when the man turns slightly to look at the girl by his side and my heart withers when I see him."
"My heart. My poor heart, my poor stupid heart, my poor stupid worthless heart will never know love."
"The bottom line is I'm in love with Sara Klein; she just doesn't know it."
"He was in a peculiar relationship with my vagina."
About Author
“Nothing really to tell, what you see is what you get.”
I am every woman out there that has fantasies in her head. I am a daughter, a granddaughter, a sister, a wife, a lover, a mother, and a friend. I happen to also be a Doctor of Pharmacy and a business owner by day, and now a writer by night. Writing and reading help me escape the scary world we live in. I hope my stories help readers experience many different emotions and ultimately, I hope I make them smile…
Writing keeps me sane. I hope reading does the same for you.
Lies in Rewind to be released June 2015
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ARC gratefully received from the author in exchange for an honest review
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